AI assistant for electronic identification and authentication 

Verifies customer identity through electronic documents and biometrics. It offers several superior advantages over traditional KYC methods.

  • Vertify

    Convenient and fast

  • Vertify

    Accurate and secure

Detect non-compliant documents

Ensure detection of most cases where documents do not meet registration requirements

  • Vertify

    Detect blurred, damaged, corner-cut, or erased documents...

  • Vertify

    Detect documents with pasted-over photos, expired documents

  • Vertify

    Detect counterfeit documents (in cases where input images are photocopies of ID cards, passports, etc.)

  • Vertify

    Check the logic of information on documents to detect anomalies


Verify the portrait of the document holder

Immediately detect cases of portrait fraud to provide timely alerts

  • Vertify

    Only verify customer photos that are taken in real-time by the customer themselves

  • Vertify

    Capable of verifying the person's liveness and rejecting fake faces (printed photos, photos displayed on electronic devices, 2D/3D masks, and non-human faces).

  • Vertify

    Detect faces that do not meet minimum requirements, faces that are obscured, or closed eyes.


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